Tuesday, May 09, 2006

ok... today kenny ask me thr msn "will i marry him".. ok this is is so high tech... i reply" lol.."...dot dot dot..today is quite tired.. tmr going with my dad to harbour front and buy the thumb drive imation thumbdrivw. 512 MB going at 29.99 by BIG by Safe.arghh i very tired.. everyday also come back.. i just now dun have the strength to chew my fried rice liao in my mounth..=/ lol...arghh i feel liek pulling my hair off. and todays lecture (innovation and technopernueship) jamie sort of embarrased me.. she all of a sudden say "U AND KENNY SHOULD DO THIS(SKYPE.COM)".i was like wao lao ehhh... diao...so sianzzz life is so sianzz

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