Tuesday, January 16, 2007

kk.when to school to get at least half of my OS project done....Haizz sIan.. i hate this semester!! exams are like after chinese new year... that means i have to get the facts up my brain by chinese new year....yea rite and how to enjoY the CHinese new year...rite we may just have poisson distribution and binomial distribution chanting non-stop..zzzz

Haiz,actually hor,im nt really very satisified with my speciliasation... i mean is unfair,how come my friends GPA was lower then me 3.2 and he get into his first choice then i get 3.6 i get second choice leix... wao laoo so RIDCULOUS And the lectuer told as is THE PROGRAM CHOOSE FOR US.. SO OUR FUTURE IS DETERMINE BY A PROGRAM LAH ISIZTT!!??.so disapointed seriously..but nevermind is fated that i get IWSS so be it... whatEver....

perhaps...perhaps..perhaps...(guy in stripy)(been toking to him)
http://www.friendster.com/4277259 (so sweet ah the song)...LOL

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