Thursday, January 18, 2007

towards the end of the day i almost have a mental breakdown. i was so tired with my work then my classmates played a VERY FATAL PRANK ON happened at the discussion room on level 4 Block S of NYP.I was holding on to my handphone ,then i left it on the table unknowingly,minutes later i was searching for it and couldnt find it.So i searched my entire bag and i couldnt find it.=/I started to recall the places that i walked b4 i reach where i was.i when to the places to see if it was there...then i when i come back,my hp was lieing dantily in my bag,it was obviously so fake that someone actually place it there in a position where i immediately sees it... the...and the culprit who does it hasnt OWN up yet.....

Just wait i will play a prank on u too... then...=X

I even took out my entire stack of lecture notes .=X so dun say i never checK properly hor...

When i say hungry ,he says "bite!bite!"
When i says i wanna eat, he says"dun choke"
When i says im gonna have a test tmr, he says"FULL MArks"

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